The 2-channel pulse adaptor PadPuls M2 allows the use of up to 2 meters with pulse output as M -Bus slaves.
Two separated pulse inputs
Safe detection of up to 15 pulses per second at each input
Pulse debouncing
Pulse value free adjustable
Plug-in terminals simplify the installation wiring
Unit free selectable (e.g. Wh, kWh, MWh, kJ, m3, l,...)
Counter length: 8 decimal digits
Due-date function with integrated realtime clock
One yearly value and 15 monthly values (optional)
M-Bus protocol according to EN13757-2 and -3
Fully parameterizable by M-Bus, including overwrite protection
Transmission rate: 300 and 2400 baud with auto baud detection
Fully operable in case of M-Bus failure by integrated battery
Case for wall mounting W x H x D: 80 x 80 x 52 mm
Two battery options available
Protective class IP 54 (IP65 is possible